Is Your East Coast Furnace or Boiler Energy Efficient?

As winter snowstorms creep slowly toward Pennsylvania and Delaware for the season, homeowners across the Northeast will start to think about their heating systems. Is your home heating furnace or boiler up to the challenge of another New England winter? Better yet, is your home comfort equipment prepared to keep you warm without costing an arm and a leg? Here are some ways to determine the efficiency of your home heating system and see if you could benefit from a high-efficiency upgrade.

How to Check if Your Home Heating System Is Energy Efficient:

Compare Your Fuel Bills

Older furnaces and boilers steadily decline in efficiency, costing you more in oil or propane each year. If your winter fuel bills this year are higher than they were last year, consider how much you could save by replacing your heating system.

Consider Your Heater’s Age

If your home heating system is more than 15 years old, chances are its energy efficiency has declined significantly since its installation. Just consider how much technology has evolved in 15 years, and apply that to your home heating system. A new upgrade could equate to 30% or more in savings when you combine saved fuel costs and reduced breakdowns and repairs.

Related Post: Cutting Costs in the Colder Seasons

Ask Your Heating Technician

During your annual home heating system tune-up, ask your technician to assess the efficiency of your home heating system. He or she will be able to tell you if your system should be upgraded, or if it’s still got a lot of life left in it.

Upgrade to High-Efficiency Equipment

Switching a high-energy to a high-efficiency propane furnace, boiler, or water heater can significantly reduce your home’s fuel and energy usage each year. Some customers notice as much as 30% energy reduction when they upgrade from an old system to a modern one. We even offer financing to help alleviate the cost of a replacement.

Are you looking to reduce your home or business’s energy usage, carbon footprint, and home comfort bills in 2020? If so, consider a high-efficiency home heating system upgrade from your local experts at Ferro Fuel Oil. Our team of qualified technicians would be more than happy to install a brand new boiler or furnace in your Pennsylvania or Delaware home. Contact us for a no-obligation quote!